Monday, February 28, 2011

hurray spring!

Spring is probably our favorite season in the Alm household - the temperature outside is just right for playing outside again and the days are getting longer. Donny has been loving the chance to play outside - riding his sweet tricycle that he got from Santa, playing baseball or just goofing around. I think he'd live outside if we'd let him. My computer is currently sans power (the power cord accidentally made a trip to Lenoir without me) so I don't have my computer to download pictures but I will soon.

Alex's next doc appt is 3/2/11 - his 2 month checkup - hard to believe! He has been kinda cranky recently but hopefully this will pass. Overall he is a great baby and a blessing beyond belief. And big brother Donny is great - the other day he heard Alex crying from upstairs and he came flying down the stairs saying "I'm coming Alex". He got down the stairs and sang songs to him - Twinkle Twinkle little star and ABCs. We got video so will try to post that soon as well.



Monday, February 21, 2011

0 days old! and poop in the potty!

Alex is today officially due! So, that makes Alex's corrected/adjusted age 0 days old! It only took 6 weeks and 4 days to get here so it's a big step! It's still hard to believe he was so early but we are happy he is here and is really doing well. (now, if he would just sleep... it's so hard to sleep when you are refluxing like crazy and trying to poop and/or pass gas all night!).

Speaking of poop - we are still very much working on the potty training thing with Donny. He still isn't really interested and until yesterday 2/20 he had never pooped on the potty. Well, Don caught him in the office that morning squatting down obviously trying to do his business in a rather away place so Don scooped him up and plopped him down on the potty where we had our first successful attempt at pooping on the potty. :) We celebrated with a present and some birthday cake. He loves birthdays (and mom and dad love that we can make the kid super happy with just a slice of cake -- well, all he actually eats is the icing but nonetheless...). Yes, it is silly to get so excited over something so little but if he can actually potty train, he can move up a class at daycare/school. Until then he is stuck in the 2 year old class.

In other funny news, we caught Donny the other day playing with a toy funnel he got in a science kit. He was putting it on his chest. We asked him what he was doing when he told us he was getting milk for Alex. I guess he's seen mommy pumping too much... At any rate, we did catch it on video (though he was much more shy about it on video... I think he figured us out) and we'll try to post it before long.

Love, Steph


Friday, February 18, 2011

growing like crazy and an infected finger

So Alex is growing like crazy! Today he had to go into the doctor just to get a special shot called Synagis. It is to help protect him from an infection called RSV. Because he was a preemie and has a brother in daycare and a mom who's a doctor and a family history of asthma/wheezing he is at high risk from bad problems if he gets RSV. Synagis should protect him from RSV if he comes in contact with it. This is why we are practically hibernating in the house until peak flu season and RSV season is over because it is so dangerous for him when he is little. It's also why it's a rule during these seasons you have to have had your flu shot to come visit him because he can't get a shot himself at this age to help protect him from flu. Anyhow, long story short he had to get weighed today to make sure the dose was right and he is now 8 lbs 3 oz! This means he has gained from 6lb 11oz to this in just 16 days! No wonder it seems like he needs to eat all of the time! It's hard to believe that he still isn't even due yet (at least not until Monday!). We are glad he is doing well. He has gotten over his cold but still sounds congested because he eats so much sometimes he spits up out of his nose (GROSS)!!!



And since everything happens always at once, Donny decided he couldn't be outdone and has a badly infected third finger on his right (dominant) hand. We aren't sure how it started but he is all boy so likely a little scrape on his finger or something. Either that or a little break in his skin because of his eczema. Either way it got infected very badly to the point of if the oral antibiotics didn't at least slow it down and start it getting better he would have had to be hospitalized for IV antibiotics. and to think if it hadn't been for sticky hands from valentines candy we wouldn't have noticed it to start medicine right away and it probably would have requiried hospitalization. Thank goodness for some delicious treats! So far the finger is stable to maybe a little better but keep saying prayers that the antibiotic (clindamycin and mupircin) keeps working and Donny keeps taking it and letting us put bandages on it because it tastes AWFUL and the finger hurts so he doesn't want us to touch it. Also pray that Donny doesn't hurt too badly.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The hardest part about being a physician...

... is not the very difficult patients with multiple severe medical problems or mental illness or addiction problems. They aren't the ones who call you in your hospital room to request a refill on their percocet (like one of mine did after I delivered Alex). The hardest patients are those you love and care about most - your kids, your spouse, your siblings, your parents, your good friends, etc. With your family/friends you lose your objectivity... sometimes you fuss..."stop being a wuss and suck it up" only to find out it was something serious. sometimes you know a little too much and panic too early... like I am currently doing with Alex being sick. You're always afraid you'll make a serious mistake (not that you aren't with your regular patients, it just becomes even more real when it is someone so close to you). And at the same time you are embarassed when you ask for help or someone else to take a look particularly whe it is something simple. I mean, that physician who sees your family/friend must be wondering what kind of crappy doctor you are that you don't know how to treat simple problem x (when in reality you do, you just can't think through it when it is a family member!). It's a real bucket of emotions to take care of a family member - particularly your spouse or kids because you can't help but try to figure out the problem because you care and you want it better while at the same time your pride as a physician is still there wanting to be right because colleagues will certainly think why I as a colleague couldn't figure it out. Don't get me wrong, I ask my colleagues questions all of the time at work, even simple ones, but somehow it seems different when it's a family member.

I say all of this because I am feeling this way with Alex currently. I know he just has a little cold. He's a kid... kids gets colds. Kids get over colds just fine. But I also know as a physician that he is a preemie and young... and that a simple cold can turn into a nightmare of a hospitalization very very quickly. I know what I would tell my patients... wait it out, watch him, if anything changes, bring him in and I'll check him out. But as a doctor I could do that myself at home... technically. But then I'd find myself checking his temperature every few minutes, keeping a hand on his chest just to make sure he is breathing since his little nose is so congested and of course all the meantime not sleeping or taking care of myself. So then I find myself in the conundrum... do I bring him in knowing the answers just so someone else can tell me the same thing? That's what I did today... God Bless my kid's physician... my attending Sara Neal. She understands how hard it is to be a parent/spouse/sibling/etc and be a doctor. And I never feel bad about asking her a question I should know the answer to just so I can hear it from someone else to reassure myself. Yet I still find myself worrying too much and wondering if she is thinking at least a little bit why I don't just know he is gonna be fine.

All of this being said, the thing that teaches you the most about being a good physician is experiencing it yourself... being a parent/spouse/etc. It's knowing these feelings so you can try to address them for your patients before they even have to ask. It's remembering what it felt like having a spouse having surgery or a kid that was sick (again) or having a preemie in the NICU or going into preterm labor. It's just not always fun living through it.

Say a prayer that Alex gets better soon. I really hate being a doctor AND mother at the same time. I really stink at it...


(ps: sorry about my streaming thoughts on what you expected to be a blog about just our kids :) hope you can forgive me!)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Donny is 3 years old and Alex is 1 month old!

We had a little party this past weekend for Donny who turned 3 on January 31st. He thinks birthday cake icing and presents are about the best things in the entire world (and honestly maybe he is about right!) Below are some pictures of his party at the house and a little one we had on his actual birthday with his friends at school. I can't believe my oldest son is 3 already. Time really flies. He is growing up so fast and has so much personality. He truly is a ton of fun (even though he does have a bit of an attitude at times and doesn't understand when he can't have his way.. oh yeah, and 3 year olds have no sense of patience.. but of coruse who does when it comes to things like candies and birthday cakes!) So far he is being great to his little brother... even offering up his favorite blankie to Alex because he was crying and bringing Alex his bottle or showing him his movie player. It is all so very sweet.

Speaking of Alex, he turned 1 month old on February 6th.. hard to believe he is a month old since he has only been home for 1 week. He is I believe the gassiest baby I've ever seen. He belches and farts like a grown man. Thankfully it doesn't seem to bother him too terribly... mostly he just squeeks and squirms when he has a gassy tummy... not too much crying for gassiness. Currently he is freaking me out because he has a cold... we have all been sick so I'm sure it was inevitable despite our best efforts that he would end up with it. I am just praying for no fever because that could lead to another hospital admission :(.

Alright, time to enjoy the super bowl. (Go Packers!) Enjoy the pics below.

