Thursday, January 31, 2008

it is time

So the contractions have continued though they haven't become regular yet. It is time though because one of my tests came back showing slightly high urine protein meaning I have borderline pre-ecclampsia so my doctor called and I am supposed to go for an induction. Don is on his way home now from work and shortly after that we will head to the hospital for the birth of our son. Hopefully all will go smoothly with the induction. Keep us in your prayers. We will update as soon as we can!
Love, Steph

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

back from the doc

So I just got back from my weekly OB appt with my family doctor. Things are going okay so far. I had a rough night last night with contractions coming actually quite frequently (every 7-8 min) and lasting nearly a min each. That went on from about 8pm until about 1am when the started slowing down at least a little (about every 15-20 min). Now they are probably coming every 30 min or so. Kinda odd that they would slow down like that but the doc says he's seen it before. At my exam though I was 2cm, 25% effaced and the baby had dropped enough that he could feel the sutures of the baby's skull. That is all good news meaning hopefully that little Donny will make his appearance soon! The only thing bad about the appt was that my blood pressure was a little up today (though it was better on recheck) so I'm having to do some tests for possible pre-ecclampsia. The doc doesn't really think that I have it but he is being better safe than sorry so I can't blame him.

So, keep saying your prayers everyone! They are helping! Hopefully little Donny is really gonna come soon! (At least I hope so, contractions AREN'T fun!)

Love you all!
Steph :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rotations are over (at least for a little bit)

I just finished my Sports Medicine rotation in Greensboro on Friday and currently have the month off until Feb 23rd. This being said.. EVERYONE pray that little Donny comes soon so I actually get some time off to be with him!

We have gotten everything set up at the apartment for little Donny's arrival thanks to mom who brought the things we had to leave at her house after Christmas. We put together the last piece of furniture until we move (our changing table) and got everything set up on it so things are coming along! We also have our new little freezer (dorm fridge size only just a freezer) for storing milk (assuming that goes well). We are excited regardless because now we can actually shop at Sams club again because we have a place to store things! (our other freezer is TINY!)

Don thinks that little Donny will come 2/4/08. The planets Venus and Jupiter are making an isosceles triangle with the moon on this morning, the date is powers of 2 and the super bowl is right then too. We'll see if he is right. I'm actually hoping for a little earlier than that, but we'll see if it pans out.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Love, Steph

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pregnancy Pics - Watch Little Donny (and Steph) grow!

Pregnancy pics for all to enjoy!

Christmas Day 2007

Thanksgiving Day at Great Aunt Nancy's (being silly of course)

Barefoot and pregnant! 29 Weeks

24 weeks

20 weeks and 4 days

Awaiting Little Donny Alm IV!

It shouldn't be long now until the arrival of little Donny Alm IV! We are officially a term baby as of tomorrow 1/23/08. We (well, especially Steph) is hoping that Donny will make is appearance soon! We have been getting the apartment ready for the new arrival including putting together furniture, washing tons of baby clothes and bottles and putting together toys. We hope that little Donny will like all he has gotten at his baby showers (we know he will)! We are both getting nervous but also very excited about his arrival! We are lucky that Don will have 12 weeks of paid paternity leave with his current job to get to stay at home and take care of Donny.

It will be crowded at the apartment until we move this summer so since we will be moving this summer we are just using a bassinet until we move because we don't have room for the crib in our apartment! We can't wait to get a house this summer and for little Donny to really have his own room! Until then Donny will sleep in his bassinet in our room, but half of his stuff will the in the guest room/office/music room/Donny's room! What a versatile place! So that being said we don't have a real nursery but instead have baby stuff all over our apartment. We can't wait to have a real nursery (especially Steph)!

We will try to keep this blog updated as best as we can for family and friends who are interested in what is going on. Keep praying that this pregnancy continues to go well and that little Donny will actually come before his official due date of Feb 13th 2008 as Steph doesn't have a lot of time off before having to go back to school if he comes on time! Also pray that all goes smoothly when it is time for the delivery and that little Donny is born healthy!

Until then, enjoy some pics from our baby shower up in NJ that was planned so wonderfully by Aunt Vickie with help from Pop Pop Don and Mom Mom Cheryl!

All of the Dons

Diaper Cake by Great Aunt Meta

Delicious Cake with the Baby Shower theme and the Parents to be!