So I just got back from my weekly OB appt with my family doctor. Things are going okay so far. I had a rough night last night with contractions coming actually quite frequently (every 7-8 min) and lasting nearly a min each. That went on from about 8pm until about 1am when the started slowing down at least a little (about every 15-20 min). Now they are probably coming every 30 min or so. Kinda odd that they would slow down like that but the doc says he's seen it before. At my exam though I was 2cm, 25% effaced and the baby had dropped enough that he could feel the sutures of the baby's skull. That is all good news meaning hopefully that little Donny will make his appearance soon! The only thing bad about the appt was that my blood pressure was a little up today (though it was better on recheck) so I'm having to do some tests for possible pre-ecclampsia. The doc doesn't really think that I have it but he is being better safe than sorry so I can't blame him.
So, keep saying your prayers everyone! They are helping! Hopefully little Donny is really gonna come soon! (At least I hope so, contractions AREN'T fun!)
Love you all!
Steph :)
wow, you're so close! :D
That's exciting! It shouldn't be too long now! Steph and Don, the two of you will make great parents! Prayers are going out for all of you!
Steph and Donny, we're so excited for you!! We are definitely keeping you and little Donny in our thoughts and prayers! I feel so helpless being up here...I wish we were closer so I could help! Anyway, Aunt Vickie and Uncle Mike can't wait to meet their nephew!! :) We love you guys!
Hi! I am sending positive thoughts and my prayers to you, Miss Steph! You are going to be a WONDERFUL mother! Love, Betsy
I am sending positive thoughts and my prayers your way! Hang in there, Miss Steph! You are going to make a wonderful mother! Betsy
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