Well, things are hectic around the Alm household as usual. Potty training for Donny just isn't happening but otherwise he is doing well. Alex is growing like a weed and also overall doing well - he just is having a lot of colds. Such is the joy of the first year of daycare! Don has made it official that he is going back to school full time at UNC-G in August to get his Masters in accounting and I have signed on to Eagle Physicians and Associates as a full time family physician at their Brassfield office. We have also recently put new siding on our house also. We haven't posted pictures or videos on a while so here are a few:

at the West Farm riding horses with Morgan West

Aunt Rachel and Alex

Steph's professional photo for Eagle Physicians

Backyard Bonfire with Uncle Jay

The boys on Mother's Day

With Grandpop Alm

Tweetie with Mom-Mom, Dad and Uncle Patrick

New siding on the house
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