So Alex is growing like crazy! Today he had to go into the doctor just to get a special shot called Synagis. It is to help protect him from an infection called RSV. Because he was a preemie and has a brother in daycare and a mom who's a doctor and a family history of asthma/wheezing he is at high risk from bad problems if he gets RSV. Synagis should protect him from RSV if he comes in contact with it. This is why we are practically hibernating in the house until peak flu season and RSV season is over because it is so dangerous for him when he is little. It's also why it's a rule during these seasons you have to have had your flu shot to come visit him because he can't get a shot himself at this age to help protect him from flu. Anyhow, long story short he had to get weighed today to make sure the dose was right and he is now 8 lbs 3 oz! This means he has gained from 6lb 11oz to this in just 16 days! No wonder it seems like he needs to eat all of the time! It's hard to believe that he still isn't even due yet (at least not until Monday!). We are glad he is doing well. He has gotten over his cold but still sounds congested because he eats so much sometimes he spits up out of his nose (GROSS)!!!
And since everything happens always at once, Donny decided he couldn't be outdone and has a badly infected third finger on his right (dominant) hand. We aren't sure how it started but he is all boy so likely a little scrape on his finger or something. Either that or a little break in his skin because of his eczema. Either way it got infected very badly to the point of if the oral antibiotics didn't at least slow it down and start it getting better he would have had to be hospitalized for IV antibiotics. and to think if it hadn't been for sticky hands from valentines candy we wouldn't have noticed it to start medicine right away and it probably would have requiried hospitalization. Thank goodness for some delicious treats! So far the finger is stable to maybe a little better but keep saying prayers that the antibiotic (clindamycin and mupircin) keeps working and Donny keeps taking it and letting us put bandages on it because it tastes AWFUL and the finger hurts so he doesn't want us to touch it. Also pray that Donny doesn't hurt too badly.

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