Wednesday, January 26, 2011

gaining weight but still not eating...

Alex continues to do well overall... so well that he doesn't have a oxygen monitor on anymore, just a heartrate monitor and his little feeding tube. He is gaining weight... about 1 oz/day and today was 6lb 4oz. (he's a chunker for a baby his age but is mostly just really tall for his age!). Only thing is, he still won't eat all of his food by mouth, so... we are still waiting with him in the NICU. All of the doctors and nurses (who are fabulous) say one day he will just get it. We as you can imagine cannot wait for that day to come. Until then we just wait. As he gets bigger he has to take more and more food too so that also makes it seem like we will never get there. Currently he is getting 62ccs every 3 hours. We are tired from trying to get up to the NICU to visit a lot and spend time with Donny, prepare for bday parties for Donny and get the house clean... (and me pumping all of the time... I am starting to feel like a cow and actually feel sorry for the cows at this point...). Other than that though and just being a little frustrated that Alex just hasn't gotten the hang of eating we are doing well. (I mean, doesn't he know he is an Alm?!?!? He is supposed to be advanced! ;) )

Thanks to everyone for the prayers. Please keep them up that Alex will get the eating thing down and get to come home soon!


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