Donald Arthur Alm IV was born on Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 10:18 PM EST. Little Donny weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and was 19 and 1/4 inches long.
When Steph and I arrived at the hospital at 4:00 PM, Steph was 5 cm and 80% effaced. Steph's mom and dad, Susan and Jim Morgan, arrived at the hospital less than 2 hours later. The doctors begain inducing Steph around 5:30 PM and she was 10 cm by 9:20 PM. Steph did a wonderful job pushing the baby out in a record time (especially since it was her first baby and she was being induced) of one hour.
Steph and Donny are both healthy and doing great. Shortly after being delivered, Donny was very alert. His blue eyes were wide open most of the night and he was kicking his legs like he was ready to run a marathon. He stayed awake most of the night, but finally went to sleep around breakfast time.
Steph and her mom are currently at the hospital. Steph's dad and I will be heading back to the hospital later this afternoon. It looks like Steph and Donny should be coming home on Saturday.
Here are some pictures that were taken last night. Enjoy!!!
Checking the World OutWhen Steph and I arrived at the hospital at 4:00 PM, Steph was 5 cm and 80% effaced. Steph's mom and dad, Susan and Jim Morgan, arrived at the hospital less than 2 hours later. The doctors begain inducing Steph around 5:30 PM and she was 10 cm by 9:20 PM. Steph did a wonderful job pushing the baby out in a record time (especially since it was her first baby and she was being induced) of one hour.
Steph and Donny are both healthy and doing great. Shortly after being delivered, Donny was very alert. His blue eyes were wide open most of the night and he was kicking his legs like he was ready to run a marathon. He stayed awake most of the night, but finally went to sleep around breakfast time.
Steph and her mom are currently at the hospital. Steph's dad and I will be heading back to the hospital later this afternoon. It looks like Steph and Donny should be coming home on Saturday.
Here are some pictures that were taken last night. Enjoy!!!
Looking for Mommy
Doing the Bicycle Kick
Alm Family Picture
Father (Donny #3) and Son (Donny #4)
Grandmom Susan and Donny
Donny and Grandpa Jim
Congrats Steph and Don!
-Jason Whitlock
Congratulations Steph and Don! What a beautiful, precious son! I am so happy for you all. Steph, I was on call at the UNC PICU Thursday night, so I was only 2 floors below you sending up prayers literally every 5 minutes. You were constantly on my mind! Squeeze that punkin for me!
Love Ya'll
Amanda Littleton
Congrats you guys!! Little Donny is so adorable!! We can't wait to meet him! :)
Love you!
Love Vickie, Mike and Kirby
Oh, what a blessing! He is just adorable! Tim, Kendall, Katelin, and I all send a big Granddaddy "Lloyd" hug of congratulations to all of you! We can't wait to see little Donny in person!
-- Pam
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a beautiful little boy. I think at this point he looks like both of you. Of course that way I stay out of trouble with both of you. Enjoy!! Todd and Joanie
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